Gandhi Institute Of Technology And Management (GITAM)

Gangapada, Gramadiha, Bhubaneswar, Khurda,752054

Sustainability (GCSR)

Sustainability And Climate Research Economics Department (SACRED) is a department under the GITAM Center for Sustainability Research (GCSR) which has other sustainability start-ups like Decarb Climate Action Research LLP and WWS Energy LLP as associated sustainability units.

We at SACRED , focus to develop innovative, practical and equitable solutions to the challenges posed by carbonised climate change and environmental harms. Our the department is inter-disciplinary as it is a dynamic conglomeration of our faculties from diversified departments with their unique domain expertise . We all joined hands for capacity building and value addition to our Institution through innovations that would help our students and stakeholders to realize their roles and responsibilities for solving climate crisis and create a learning ecosystem to evolve a systemic approach enabling the world population to align with nature to coexist and save the planet for the future generation.
We dwell upon developing an understanding of Science and innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the world governments at Paris in 2015 and we advocate the principles of ESG business investing  (

The 2030 milestone in the Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States, provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet,
now and into the future. At its heart are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), ( which are an urgent call for action by all countries – developed and developing – in a global partnership.


Considering the 17 Sustainable Development Goals(SDG) defined by the United Nations towards an urgent concern for transforming the world economy and technological processes to move towards sustainable reorientation and achieving net zero  ( ) , we have adopted 6(Six) of them (Goals No.4 to 7, 13 and 17) in our institution.

  • Goal 4.  Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education
  • Goal 5.  Achieve gender equality
  • Goal 6.  Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
  • Goal 7.  Ensure access to affordable, reliable, carbon free, renewable, sustainable and modern energy for all
  • Goal 13. Climate Action
  • Goal 17  Partnerships for the goals.

To start with, a dedicated Centre for Sustainability Research has been established in the institution and we have approached the United Nations for partnership under their HESI and UNAI frameworks.

We have set an immediate focus on our short-term goals defined by the global member countries, targeting achievements by 2030.

We have joined the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) for their training programs..

The measurable actions taken by us in our campus under SDG 7 so far are as under.

  • We have replaced the old energy consuming FTLs by the energy efficient LED bulbs without sacrificing the total lumens for illumination.
  • The old energy consuming fans have been replaced by energy efficient BLDC fans, without sacrificing the air circulation.
  • Our air conditioning units have been consuming maximum electrical energy. Accordingly, we have instituted an energy audit by Mr. Mir Manjur Elahi, a certified energy auditor. On recommendation of his team, we have started converting our energy grid in the campus to a smart grid using IoT and Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). By the end of this academic session, we shall be instituting an intelligent energy monitoring system with the help of Artificial Intelligence algorithm and softwares which will optimize our demand side loads .
  • We have adopted a roof-top PV electricity generation plan for 250 kwp and chalked out an ambitious Mwp solar land farm, a hybrid canal top solar PV farm with a wind energy farm. For this purpose , we have already signed a MoU with the Green Jobs Sector Skill Council of India (A Govt of India concern) Starting with a demo model provided by them for a hybrid 2KWP plant, we have installed a pilot plant for 10 KWP on the roof-top of our Block-5. The work is in progress for full installation of solar PV panels for 250 Kwp on all roof-tops of academic and hostel buildings. As agreed with the local utility, the pilot plant was grid- interactive and net- metered . In the next phase, the entire 250 KWP generation will be of similar type.
  • We are converting the fleet of our transport vehicles from petrol/diesel driven types to hybrid and full EV types.
  • Apart from our efforts on energy, under SDG 6, we are introducing circular economy models for our daily kitchen waste, water discharge from sewage treatment plant and mechanism for roof-top and field level water harvest and recharge of the four ground water borewells we have on the campus.
  • We have strictly forbidden the use of single-use plastics and other non-biodegradable packaging items in the campus.

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