Gandhi Institute Of Technology And Management (GITAM)

Gangapada, Gramadiha, Bhubaneswar, Khurda,752054

Principal’s Desk

The major challenge for today’s engineering educational institutions is to accommodate the ever-varying aspirations of the younger generation because of increasingly changing demand and development in industries. We constantly put efforts to accommodate these aspirations by fine tuning the academics of college with innovative and practical oriented teaching – learning practices along with other developmental activities. Our goal is to change the world through education. It may sound idealistic, but this is precisely our long-term goal. It is what motivates the work of everyone at the Gandhi Institute of Technology And Management — from faculty and staff, to students and alumni. It inspires our teaching and research. It is this goal which fuels the faculty to excel. Our approach reflects the educational needs of the 21st century. We focus on our students by providing them with a world-class outcome-based education and hands-on experience through research, training, and student forum activities etc. The success of our undergraduate & postgraduate is supervised by our eminent faculty, who continue to set the standard for excellence. There is continuous check on the implementation of planned academic activities with desired results in grooming our future generation for employment and for higher studies in India and abroad. 

Our college results and placement speak about our excellence with many of our students bringing laurel to the college by getting highest ranking in university exams and huge number of students are placed in national & multinational companies, moreover our students’ creativity and determination is evident by this continuous success in various fields. It is time that we look forward to with a mindset of facing up to all the challenges, life throws at us at regular intervals. The human endurance is always bigger than the obstacles out there. We shall together overcome this period of downturn with courage and conviction. Let us strive hard to construct a future of social well-being, endeavoring optimism, and quality education. There is no point in finding fault at this juncture instead we need to be the goodwill ambassadors of doing whatever we can to innovate the existing scheme of things .