Gandhi Institute Of Technology And Management (GITAM)

Gangapada, Gramadiha, Bhubaneswar, Khurda,752054

Hobby Clubs

Enviro Club:-

The Enviro club was formed with the objective of creating awareness to preserve our planet and an undertaking that – I will do my bit. The members create awareness through posters inspiring our students to use less electricity, reduce wastage of water, and say ‘no to plastic’, workshops-waste to wealth, recycling paper, initiatives like planting trees, having eco-friendly attitudes.

Quizzers Club :-

The main motive of our Quizzing Club is to create an atmosphere of competitive fellowship. The club hosts monthly quizzes to test the academic knowledge of the students.

Social Service Club :-

This club works on other unique initiatives of associating with some orphanage, school and help them on a continuous basis. Besides, blood donation camp, the students are also involved in helping cancer patients, sharing resources with have notes.

News Letter Spectrum and Reflection :-

These newsletters help us connect within and to the outside world. Spectrum is a monthly magazine that shares all happenings in the GITAM world. Reflection is our online newsletter which is again coordinated by the student’s team in association with the papyrus club. New teams are formed every year.