Gandhi Institute Of Technology And Management (GITAM)

Gangapada, Gramadiha, Bhubaneswar, Khurda,752054

Quality Assurance Framework

Quality Assurance Framework

Quality assurance involves all activities in the institute that are necessary for fulfilling the purposes of sustaining high quality education and educational services, it aims at:

Objectives of IQAC

The institute Quality Assurance System is established to:

Quality Assurance Framework

The Quality Assurance Framework of institute contains the following elements:

Quality Assurance cell

The Quality Assurance Cell is established to provide administration support to the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of the College.
The IQAC is established to:

Guiding Principles

The Quality Assurance Framework of an IQAC cell guiding the following principles:

Broad Functions of IQAC