Gandhi Institute Of Technology And Management (GITAM)

Gangapada, Gramadiha, Bhubaneswar, Khurda,752054



Internship is an integral part of the academic curriculum, it is a learning activity in which a student fortifies and deepens his/her theoretical knowledge and skills attained in the classrooms by integrating with practical activities which facilitates
The internship offers the students an opportunity to gain hands-on industrial or organizational exposure; to integrate the knowledge and skills acquired through the coursework; interact with professionals and other interns; and to improve their presentation, writing, and communication skills. Internship often acts as a gateway for final placement for many students.


Guidelines to apply for Internship and Academic Credentials:

The following framework is formulated to give academic credit for the internship undergone as part of the program.
The following framework is formulated to give academic credit for the internship undergone as part of the program.
S No Schedule Duration Internship Time
1 Summer Break after 2nd semester 2 Weeks In-house
2 Summer Break after 4th semester 2 Weeks In-house
3 Summer Break after 6th semester 2 Weeks External

Internships options available to Students:

In-house Internships:
External Internships / Field Trip: