Gandhi Institute Of Technology And Management (GITAM)

Gangapada, Gramadiha, Bhubaneswar, Khurda,752054

Experiential Learning

Experiential learning is, in essence, the process of developing new skills or knowledge through doing, rather than reading, watching or listening. It is the most natural and effective way that we learn. As such, experiential learning has much better rates of engagement, long-term retention and transferability than other methods of learning. Experiential learning lends itself to richer skill development.
We provide the opportunity for active experimentation and concrete experience through a variety of carefully designed projects-based learning experiences, problem-based learning experiences, game-based learning experiences, laboratory experiments, service-based learning and other activities.
In a world where technology is increasingly capable, the skills most need in students are ExL power skills, which relate to mindset, creativity, leadership and self management.
Well-planned, supervised and assessed experiential learning programs can stimulate academic inquiry by promoting interdisciplinary learning, Strong technical skills in engineering design and computation with key business skills to business model generation.

Center for Learning and Educational Technologies (CLET) of GITAM design and teach FIVE ExL power skills courses, to shape the student’s future.

Kolb’s Cycle of Experiential Learning Implementation

Experiential learning is, in essence, the process of developing new skills or knowledge through doing, rather than reading, watching or listening. It is the most natural and effective way that we learn. As such, experiential learning has much better rates of engagement, long-term retention and transferability than other methods of learning. Experiential learning lends itself to richer skill development.

How does it work?

In 1984 Social Psychologist and adult educator, David Kolb published the Experiential Learning Theory which states that “learning is the process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of experience. Knowledge results from the combination of grasping and transforming experience”.
Kolb’s (1984) cycle of learning depicts the experiential learning process

This process includes the integration of:

What does experiential learning look like?

Experiential learning has the following elements:
Teaching-Learning Process (General Instructions)
These are sample Strategies; which ExEED faculty can use to accelerate the attainment of the various course outcomes.