Gandhi Institute Of Technology And Management (GITAM)

Gangapada, Gramadiha, Bhubaneswar, Khurda,752054

Mechanical Department

Mechanical Engineering is one of the oldest and most diverse engineering disciplines, encompassing a wide range of areas such as design, manufacturing, energy systems, robotics, automotive engineering, and aerospace engineering. At GITAM College, our department is committed to providing a comprehensive education that equips students with the knowledge, skills, and experiences necessary to excel in the field of mechanical engineering. The Department of Mechanical Engineering offers undergraduate that provide students with a strong foundation in core mechanical engineering principles, coupled with specialized knowledge in areas such as thermal engineering, fluid mechanics, materials science, and machine design. Our programs are designed to prepare students for successful careers in industry, research, and academia.

Dr. Soumyasri Sabyasachi Singh,

HOD, Department of Mechanical Engineering

The Department of Mechanical Engineering at GITAM College is dedicated to fostering excellence in education, research, and innovation in the field of mechanical engineering. With a rich history of academic achievement and a commitment to continuous improvement, our department aims to nurture future leaders and innovators who will make significant contributions to society. The Department of Mechanical Engineering offers undergraduate that provide students with a strong foundation in core mechanical engineering principles, coupled with specialized knowledge in areas such as thermal engineering, fluid mechanics, materials science, and design and manufacturing. Our programs are designed to prepare students for successful careers in industry, research, and academia. Graduates of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at GITAM College are well-prepared to pursue rewarding careers in diverse sectors such as automotive, aerospace, energy, manufacturing, robotics, and research and development. Our alumni have found employment in leading companies, government organizations, research laboratories, and academic institutions worldwide.

A department of excellence in mechanical engineering to cater the real time needs of industries with ethical values.

PSO1: Ability to identify, analyze and solve engineering problems in the domains of Design, Thermal and Manufacturing systems.

PSO2:Ability to apply their knowledge in principle of design and analysis, in execution of automation in mechanical system / processes.

PSO3: Ability to involve professionally in industries or as an entrepreneur by applying manufacturing and management practices.

PSO4: Develop simulation models of thermal and manufacturing     systems using Computer aided analysis tools.

PEO1: To prepare mechanical engineering students with an outstanding knowledge of mathematical, scientific, engineering, technology, management, humanities, and various other interdisciplinary subjects for a successful career.

PEO2: To train the mechanical students with modern tools, technology, and advanced software in the field of mechanical engineering.

PEO3: To empower students with broad based knowledge to support the service industries, economic development and address social and mechanical engineering challenges of the society and also to take part actively in recent areas of research.

PEO4: To encourage the mechanical technocrats with leadership skills with high level of integrity and ethical values for team building and team work.

The department of Mechanical Engineering (ME) was established in the year 2009 with B.Tech program in ME with intake of 60, with due approval from AICTE and affiliated with Biju Patnaik University of Technology,Odisha. During this time, the department is expanded to offer three year Diploma Program in Mechanical engineeringwith intake of 60 with due approval from AICTE and affiliated with State Council of Technical Education and Vocational Training, Odisha

The department has 11 academic laboratories like FM&HM Lab, MOS Lab,ETD Lab,KDM Lab,AE Lab, MST Lab etc. the infrastructure and lab facilities are upgraded from time to time and provide good practical learning and innovative environment for the students and researchers. The department also has the followingcenters of excellence in the specialized areas in collaborations with leading industries like STPI, CTTC and other government organization.The main objectives of department are to provide:

  • Centre for Automation and Robotics (CAR)
  • Centre for Material Testing and characterization
  • Center For 3-D Printing

The students are nurtured with a variety of active learning activities including and not restricted to class room teaching, presentations, video lectures but with MOOC courses, IIT Virtual Labs and from SWAYAM Portal.

The clubs under Department of Mechanical Engineering have different students’ body for conducting activities on career development, interpersonal and intrapersonal skills of students. These clubs  organize Seminars, Quizzes, Industrial Visits, Paper / Poster Presentations, Group Discussions, Guest Lectures, Career Guidance, Tech fest etc.,with an objective to help students to pursue their hobbies and interests and to bring people together .

Student Chapters of various professional bodies like Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE), andSolar Energy Society of India (SESI) to provide unique opportunities for networking , mentoring and bonding over common interests.

History Of Department :

B. Tech. (Mechanical Engineering)

  • Started with 60 seats in the year 2009
  • Intake increased to 120 in the year 2014
  • Intake decreased to 90 in the year 2020

M Tech.

  • Started with 18 seats in the year 2014
  • Closed in the year in the year 2018


  • Started with 60 seats in the year 2014

Vision :

A department of excellence in mechanical engineering to cater the real time needs of industries with ethical values.

Mission :

  • To develop professional skills throughstudent centric activities in collaboration with industries.
  • To prepare students establishing research and startup ecoculture.
  • To create socially committed mechanical engineers with morals and ethical values.

Program Specific Outcome’s (PSOs):

  1. PSO1: Ability to identify, analyze and solve engineering problems in the domains of Design, Thermal and Manufacturing systems.
  2. PSO2: Ability to apply their knowledge in principle of design and analysis, in execution of automation in mechanical system / processes.
  3. PSO3: Ability to involve professionally in industries or as an entrepreneur by applying manufacturing and management practices.
  4. PSO4: Develop simulation models of thermal and manufacturing     systems using Computer aided analysis tools.

Program Educational Objectives

  1. PEO1:To prepare mechanical engineering students with an outstanding knowledge of mathematical, scientific, engineering, technology, management, humanities, and various other interdisciplinary subjects for a successful career.
  2. PEO2: To train the mechanical students with modern tools, technology, and advanced software in the field of mechanical engineering.
  3. PEO3: To empower students with broad based knowledge to support the service industries, economic development and address social and mechanical engineering challenges of the society and also to take part actively in recent areas of research.
  4. PEO4: To encourage the mechanical technocrats with leadership skills with high level of integrity and ethical values for team building and team work.

Departmental Advisory Board (DAB)

The Departmental Advisory Board (DAB) has been framed with the prime objective of remaining up to date with the latest requirements of the industry and offers such academic gaps as addon courses in collaboration with different industries.

The DAB is composed of members from eminent institutions as well as members from industry, alumni and members of faculty of the department. The present composition of the DAB is as follows

2Dr.Sisirakanta PattanaikAsso.profConvenor
4Dr. ShubhashreeNayakAsso.profMember
6Mr Sunil Kumar SatapathyAsst.profMember
7Mr. PrasannajitBoityAsst.profMember
  1. Strategic Guidance: Providing strategic direction and guidance to the department’s leadership in alignment with its goals, vision, and mission.
  2. Industry Collaboration: Facilitating partnerships and collaborations with industry stakeholders to enhance curriculum relevance, research opportunities, and professional development initiatives for students and faculty.
  3. Program Evaluation: Conducting regular reviews and assessments of academic programs, curriculum effectiveness, and student learning outcomes to ensure alignment with industry needs and accreditation standards.
  4. Resource Mobilization: Assisting in securing external funding, grants, and resources to support departmental initiatives, research projects, and infrastructure development.
  5. Stakeholder Engagement: Engaging with alumni, industry experts, faculty, students, and other stakeholders to gather feedback, insights, and recommendations for continuous improvement and advancement of the department’s goals and objectives.

Program Assessment and Quality Improvement Committee (PAQIC)

The departmental academic committee is responsible for smooth functioning and monitoring of all academic activities.


  • Head of the department – Convenor
  • Three senior faculty members in the department nominated by HOD – Members

Members to the PAQIC (UG) will be opted covering each specialization of the department. In very small departments one or more faculty members of other departments may be opted by the HOD with approval of Dean of Academic. One or more external members may be opted by the Convener, PAQIC on specific occasions such as making the syllabus for value added courses. The tenure of the departmental academic committee shall be two years. The composition of the DAC shall need approval of the Principal. The present composition of the PAQIC is as follows

2Dr.Sisirakanta PattanaikAsso.profMember
4Dr. ShubhashreeNayakAsso.profMember

Roles and Responsibilities of PAQIC

  • Decide the course structure, detailed syllabus of value added courses and select suitable MOOC courses from SWAYAM Portal and other virtual platforms.
  • Assign teaching duties to the faculty and to make the facilities available for quality of teaching.
  • Allocation of faculty mentors to the new batch of students admitted.
  • Review the cases of slow / weak students and decide appropriate action in advance in coordination with faculty mentors.
  • Monitoring continuously by the student’s performance and take necessary actions.
  • Guide faculty members towards ensuing continuous evaluation.
  • Ensuring discipline among students.
  • Facilitating and supervising the co-curricular and extracurricular activities of the students.

The PAQIC will meet at least once in a month. Faculty mentors and other members of the faculty may be invited to meetings when necessary. The PAQIC will seek and review the reports of all course handling faculty and faculty mentors and submit its reports to HOD for remedial action if so needed. The PAQIC’s recommendations may, if situation so demands to be discussed and amended by a meeting of the total faculty in a department.

Course Expert Team (CET)

The course expert team is responsible in exercising the central domain of expertise in developing and renewing the curriculum and assessing its quality and effectiveness to the highest of professional standards.

The functions of the Course Expert Team are to:

  • Curriculum, including establishing prerequisites.
  • Inform the Academic Committee the ‘day-to-day’ matters as are relevant to the offered Value Added courses.
  • Consider student and staff feedback on the efficient and effective development of the relevant courses.
  • Review the following: Course Descriptions (Prerequisites, Course Objectives, Course Outcomes, Course Outcomes mapping to Program Outcomes / Program Specific Outcomes, Articulation Matrix); Delivery of Modules; Module Outlines; Module Assessment Tasks; Review Course Outcomes and Program Outcomes / Program Specific Outcomes Assessment reports.
SL.NOCourse SpecializationCourseNameDesingnation
1Design Engg.
  1. Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines
  2.  Mechanics of Solids
  3.  Mechanism and Maschines
  4. Optimization Engg.
  5. Design of Machine Elements
  6. CAD/CAM
  7. Robotics
Mr. GOPINATH BARIKAss.Proffessor
2Thermal Engg.
  1. Engineering Thermodynamics
  2. Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines
  3. Heat Transfer
  4. Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning
  5. Power Plant Engineering
  6. Automobile Engineering
  7. Internal Combustion Engine and Gas Turbine
Mr. AVIJIT NAYAKAss.Proffessor
Mr. KISHAN DASHAss.Proffessor
  1. Basic Manufacturing Processes
  2. Manufacturing Scince&Technology
  3. Computer Integrated Manufacturing Processes& FMS
  4. Nonconventional Energy Sourses
4Industrial Engg.
  1.  Organizational Behaviour
  2.  EnterprenurshipDevlopment
  3. Engineering Economics
Mrs. SAPTARSHI DALEIAss.Proffessor


Departmental Members in Different  Committees of Institutes

The following committees are formed for attaining the best overall performance of the department in academic, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities:

SL.NONAMEPOSITIONName Of the committe
2Dr. Ajoya Kumar PradhanChairmanFINANCE COMMITTEE
4Mrs. ItishreePatroChairmanGOVERNING BODY
5Dr.SisirakantapattanaikChairmanRESEARCH COMMITTEE
6Dr.TruptimayeePatanaikChairmanWOMEN PROTECTION COMMITTEE
7Dr.SukantSahooChairmanST/SC COMMITTEE
8Dr. Ajoya Kumar PradhanChairmanPURCHASE COMMITTEE
9Dr. Ajoya Kumar PradhanChairmanBUDGET COMMITTEE
10Dr.Tusharkanta DasChairmanLIBRARY COMMITTEE
15Dr.ArunkumarParidaChairmanFEEDBACK COMMITTEE
17MrsSanghamitraMohapatraChairmanINTERNAL COMPLAINT COMMITTEE
18Dr. Ajoya Kumar PradhanChairmanANTI-RAGGING COMMITTEE
19Mr. Sukanta Kumar SahooChairmanSCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE
20Mr. Avijit NayakChairmanANTI-RAGGING SQUAD
21Dr. Ajoya Kumar PradhanChairmanRTI CELL
22Dr.Biswojit SwainChairmanHR CELL
24Dr. Ajoya Kumar PradhanChairmanIQAC CELL
25Dr.SisisraKantaPattanaikChairmanALUMNI CELL
26Dr.Biswojit SwainChairmanENTREPRENEURSHIP CELL
28Dr.SisisraKantaPattanaikChairmanR� & D PROJECT COMMITTEE
29Dr. Ajoya Kumar PradhanChairmanDISCIPLINARY COMMITTEE

Research Supervisors for Universities

The following faculty are recognised as Research (PhD) Supervisors / Co-Supervisors / External Supervisors:

Sl.noNameCollegeResearchPhd guidingPhd produced
1Dr. Ajoya Kumar PradhanGITAM,BHUBANESWAR 1 
2Dr. Bijay Kumar MohapatraGITAM,BHUBANESWAR 1 
3Dr. Prakash Chandra SahuGITAM,BHUBANESWAR 1 
4Dr. Smruti Ranjan NayakGITAM,BHUBANESWAR 1