GITAM consists of dedicated students who continuously enhance their skills in contemporarysocial and environmental activities, sustainable development, and social ethics, with a focus onservice orientation and holistic development. We cultivate leadership and management qualitieswhile fostering an awareness of social responsibilities towards the nation.
The objective is to engage students in community service and social responsibility, enhanceindustry-academia collaboration, and promote environmental sustainability. These activities aim to develop students, practical skills, leadership qualities, and social awareness.
- Community Service: Students participate in various community service projects, such ascleanliness drives, health camps, and educational programs for underprivileged children.
- Industry Collaborations: Regular industry visits, internships, and guest lectures byprofessionals help bridge the gap between academia and industry.
- Workshops and Seminars: The college organizes workshops and seminars oncontemporary issues, inviting experts to share knowledge and experiences.
- Technical Camps: Hosting technical camps and competitions for local school andcollege students to inspire interest in engineering and technology.
- Environmental Initiatives: Engaging in sustainability projects, such as tree planting andwaste management campaigns, to promote environmental awareness and conservation.