Gandhi Institute Of Technology And Management (GITAM)

Gangapada, Gramadiha, Bhubaneswar, Khurda,752054

Student Learning Support Hub (SLSH)

Student Learning Support Hub provides a Institute wide service to support students’ academic learning needs (Student Learning, Library, Student Services, Accommodation, Finances, Scholarships, Health, Wellbeing, Student Equity, Disability Services and Information Technology Services). Our goal is to help students acquire the skills and knowledge to become independent, successful learners.

General Support Services

  • Study Skills
    • Teach students study skills and learning strategies that will enhance their academic abilities.
    • Provide a wide range of study guides and resources to help student, develop the academic skills needed to be successful.
    • Get expert help with
      • Academic English and writing skills
      • Maths, Physics, Chemistry and Stats skills
      • Understanding course content and assessment
      • Finding, evaluating and using information
  • Health and Wellbeing: Find self-help resources, connect with other students, medical appointments with Aurandathi hospitals. Confidential Psychological short-term counselling, mental health and wellbeing workshops.
  • Finances and Scholarships: Get information about financial aid, scholarships and loan programs to help student studies.
  • Student Equity and Disability Services: Student Equity and Disability Services provide support for students who need ongoing assistance with their studies. If you qualify as one of the above, you may be eligible for support.
  • Diversity and Inclusion: Access resources and information on initiatives and services that support diversity and inclusion, so we can build a safe, respectful and connected community.
  • Accommodation: Apply for college owned student hostel accommodation and explore other accommodation options nearby.